About Me

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Hello, I'm Tama! I am a newly found Hime gyaru! I use to be ageha and before that, I was Banba/manba! I'm 21 years old and happily engaged to my one and only! I love having fun, dressing up, and being girly! I really hope people find my blog interesting since the last one I had wasn't too good. D: I'm not a very good blogger, but I will try my best!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Ok, so I know it's late but, I'm gonna post up something about my Halloween this year!

So I know a lot of gyaru call it 'Gal-loween' and what not, wanting to incorporate the gyaru life style and fashion into their costumes and stuff but I always take Halloween as dressing up as someone you're not! So this year I had two costumes since I threw two parties!

First I was Black Princess Peach! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take a pic of my costume since I was running around trying to be a good hostess. @~@ But I did get a pic of my hubby and my best friend's costumes! There were Mario and Luigi!!

So next party I decided to make sure I took a photo of my costume since it was ON Halloween! I was a Genderbend of Hitman Reborn!'s Lambo!

I took a lot of pride in this costume since I made it myself! I was going to save for an upcoming convention, but I just couldn't wait~ I hope everyone liked it, I know my hubby did since Lambo is his favorite character!

So now more pictures from the parties and stuff! Oi this Halloween was nuts, but I hope to have more fun next year!!

P.S. Why does tinypic keep loading up my pictures sideways!!! D: Can someone please help me with this, it's annoying!

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